Ba Duan Jin Qigong Helps Menopause

Menopause affects women’s’ psychological health, mostly frequently through anxiety and depression. Another common problem is a decrease in the quality of sleep. A study of a 12 week exercise program of Ba Duan Jin qigong had a beneficial impact on sleep quality, anxiety, and depression in Spanish postmenopausal women.

One of the most common problems during menopause is lack of sleep. Approximately 40% to 60% of menopausal women experience symptoms related to sleep, the most common complaint being nocturnal awakenings. Poor quality of sleep reduces quality of life in general and is associated with a series of other physical and psychological problems.

Menopause is also closely related to high levels of anxiety. Older women have higher levels of anxiety than men, as the menopause causes a series of hormonal changes that affect women’s psychological state, producing emotional wear.

Ba Duan Jin qigong is characterised by its flexibility and variation in intensity and duration, making it easily adaptable for all ages. It involves the coordination of body and limb movements in a harmonious interaction between posture and symmetrical physical movement, the mind, and respiratory exercise, which helps control stress and improve psychological well-being.

After a Ba Duan Jin qigong exercise program of 1 hour per week over 12 weeks, participants observed improvements in sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression.

The study results showed that postmenopausal women who enrolled in the Ba Duan Jin program experienced an improvement in anxiety and depression after 12 weeks.

If you are looking for a program to enhance your sleep and wellbeing, try a Wulong class today. Click here to see all our class locations and timings.