12 Steps to Harmonising Mind, Body and Energy

Dispel all thoughts in the deep night,

Concentrate the mind, Breathe slowly,

Let the body fly like a swallow in the clouds.

What a special way to start the learning! Hearing the commencing words of the 12 Step Health Preservation Qigong promoted the correct mindset to learn this exceptional qigong.

The 12 Step Qigong was a mental feast involving rich imagery such as ‘lotus flower opens on the water’, ‘golden rooster heralds the dawn’ and ‘rhinoceros gazing at the moon’. Professor Lily connected these images to the physical movements leaving a deep impression on mind and body.

In ancient times people discovered that mental concentration could actively help to regulate the body and mind, stabilise the organs, promote the balance of yin and yang, and lead to better physical and mental health. And we believe it too!

“The ancient people believed that too much emotion [anxiety] and melancholy [depression] lead to injury to the internal organs. They believed that cultivation of “spirit” [positive mindset, enjoyment of life] increases physical and mental health and prevents illness.” said Professor Lily.

“The 12 Step Qigong maintains spirit and body together. Each movements’ special design is to balance and calm the meridians especially for major organs - heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and stomach”

“I really encourage students to continue to practice this qigong and preserve health, strength and a calm mind.”

Calming the mind and meridian function in the body leads to increased energy flow, flexible joints and strong muscles, bones and ligaments, improving the body, preventing and treating illness, and prolonging life.

As always, the focus of Professor Lily’s training included correct foundation and technique - the specific details and tips of each movement were revealed and explained, not just simply the basic movements. Participants were quick to accept these details resulting in an outstanding learning experience for all.

Professor Lily was very pleased with the results of this special qigong workshop which was fully booked almost immediately by participants from across Melbourne and Victoria. Professor Lily is already busy planning our second 2024 Wulong workshop for November. Please follow our social media and website to keep up to date with the details as they are released.

Please enjoy photos of the day. Click here to visit the photo gallery