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Encore - Taichi Push Hands Techniques and Yang 9 Duel
1:00 pm13:00

Encore - Taichi Push Hands Techniques and Yang 9 Duel

Don't miss out on this opportunity to experience Professor Lily's expert instruction in an exciting second workshop! Take this limited chance to learn from Professor Lily's expert guidance once again. It is the perfect opportunity for new participants to gain an understanding of push hands in practice, and for returning participants to refresh and increase their skills, and deepen their experience.

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Taichi Push Hands Techniques and Yang 9 Duel Routine
1:00 pm13:00

Taichi Push Hands Techniques and Yang 9 Duel Routine

Join Professor Lily Sun to learn about taichi push hands (or tuishou) techniques and the Yang 9 Duel Routine. Push hands is a way for students to increase their understanding of tai chi as an internal martial art by experiencing leverage, reflex, sensitivity, timing, coordination and positioning.

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