Wu Qin Xi (Five Animals frolic)
Wu Qin Xi Health Qigong is a type of Chinese health exercise that combines physical movement, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote physical health and mental well-being. The name Wu Qin Xi (五禽戏) can be translated to "Five Animal Play" or "Five Animal Frolics".
Wu (五) means "five"
Qin (禽) means "bird" or "animal"
Xi (戏) means "play" or "frolic"
The name reflects that the exercises are inspired by the movements of five different animals: the tiger, deer, bear, monkey, and crane. Each animal movement has its own unique characteristics and is designed to mimic the natural movements of the animal. By practicing these movements, practitioners aim to improve their physical health and mental well-being by cultivating their Qi (energy) and promoting the free flow of Qi throughout the body.
Wu Qin Xi has a long history in China and was created during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) by Hua Tuo, a famous physician and surgeon of that time. The exercises were inspired by the movements of five animals: the tiger, deer, bear, monkey, and crane. The movements were designed to mimic the natural movements of these animals to strengthen the body and stimulate the flow of Qi.
The modern form of Wu Qin Xi Health Qigong was developed by a team of experts in collaboration with the Chinese Health Qigong Association in the 1990s. This team of experts included Qigong masters, sports scientists, and medical professionals. The team aimed to create a standardized form of Wu Qin Xi that would be suitable for modern society and accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. The modern form consists of 10 movements, each representing the characteristics and movements of one of the five animals. The form has been widely promoted by the Chinese government and has become popular both in China and internationally as a way to promote health and well-being.
Wu Qin Xi Health Qigong has been shown to have many health benefits, including improving physical fitness, flexibility, and balance, enhancing cardiovascular and respiratory function, reducing stress and anxiety, and promoting mental well-being. It has also been shown to be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and osteoporosis.
Wu Qin Xi Health Qigong is recognized by the Chinese Health Qigong Association and has been widely promoted in China and around the world. The Chinese government has supported the practice of Health Qigong as a way to promote public health and prevent disease. It has been introduced into the national health education curriculum in China and has been taught in schools, universities, and community centres throughout the country. It is a low-impact exercise that can be practiced by people of all ages and fitness levels. The popularity of Wu Qin Xi Health Qigong continues to grow as more people discover its many benefits for health and well-being.
Chinese Health Qigong video introduction and history of Wu Qin Xi